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Through Baptism, God enables us to participate in his life in Jesus Christ and makes us his children. It is through this sacrament that we receive the Holy Spirit and become members of the People of God, of the Body of Christ, which is the Church. Baptism becomes our commitment to grow in this new life and to strive to acquire spiritual maturity. By baptism, God purifies us from sin.
A parent must make arrangements at least 2 months in advance in the parish office.
Please bring the Birth Certificate of the child being baptized.
*Godparents must be a practicing Catholics and have recived their Sacraments (Baptisim, First Communion and Confirmation). Parents and Godparent's must attend a pre-baptismal class and bring in the letter of attendence.
NOTE: Children over 7 years of age must attend the faith formation program before being baptized
For more information or to schedule a baptism click the link below.
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