God has helped us by blessing us with many gifts. As good stewards, we are to be aware of these gifts of time, talent, and treasure, and to respond in gratitude by using and sharing them in ways that glorify God. These are the hands of Christ, the hands that help put our faith into action.
Prayerfully reflect on any ministry that interests you, and consider joining your hands with those of others in our faith-community and use your God-given gifts to fulfill His mission.
Our Ministries
Are you interested in meeting other faith driven teens? Do you like learning more about your faith with others your age. Join our youth gatherings on Friday evenings. We pray, reflect and have fun together!
The word "liturgy" comes from the Greek word leitourgia which means "work of the people." As Catholics, we use the word "liturgy" to refer to the celebration of the Mass, the center of our faith life. Together, as a church family, we are all called to participate in the liturgy through our prayer, song and spoken responses at Mass. Some of us also feel called to serve at Mass as liturgical ministers. Click below to see all the ways you can serve as a liturgical minister.

The goal and purpose of Music Ministry is to enhance the experience of worship by heightening the Word of God with music and to provide beauty to the liturgy through music. If you would like to share your musical gifts and join one of our choirs, please click on the link below for more information.
The Saint Basil Visitation Food Pantry is committed to addressing food insecurity in our neighborhood. Please click on the link below to learn more about our service, operating hours and how to register as a recipient of a food box.
Volunteer Support
Are you interested in helping out with a parish fundraiser? Would you enjoy decorating the church for special feast days? These are just a few of the many opportunities to serve as a volunteer. Stop in the parish office or call to learn more about upcoming volunteer needs.